Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Staci's Wedding

I was so excited when several months back Staci asked me to be the matron of honor in her wedding.  It was so sweet because she said as we were growing up she always pictured me standing beside her on her wedding day and even though we've been miles away for the last several years, she still wanted me by her side.  She also asked Olivia to be the flower girl and of course Olivia was THRILLED! 

I'll start by bragging on the dress bargain.  A couple of days after Staci asked her, I happened to be at the mall looking for some other things.  I thought I would just do a quick check in the girls section of a store that I was right by.  I walked in and there was a cute dress, in the color we wanted and Olivia's size.  It was on clearance for $14.99 (which was already a steal compared to the David's bridal flower girl dresses for $125+) but when we got up to check out it rang up $8.99! I must admit, I get quite the high from bargains like that!

Anyway, we left Thursday around lunch afternoon and with some traffic and one wrong turn we pulled into the hotel at 4AM Atlanta time. It was a long, tiring trip but I still couldn't sleep much! Friday afternoon we visited with Staci and her family and then the girls all went to get pedicures. Olivia had such a blast hanging out with all the women for pedicures and it was great to get to know Joe's family and catch up with Staci and her family. We had the rehearsal dinner Friday night and then wedding activities all day Saturday. Olivia did pretty well but towards the end of the wedding she started getting wiggly standing up there. At one point I could see out of the corner of my eye her twirling her flower basket on her wrist. The mom in me wanted to snap my fingers and give her a look but I didn't want to be even more of a distraction. Staci was such an easy going bride and it made me feel a lot less stressed that she was so carefree about everything. The kids LOVED the reception and they were definitely party animals! Staci was a beautiful bride and it was so fun to catch up with so many people I hadn't seen in a while. Michael was such a trooper and so helpful the whole weekend. We got up at 4AM Sunday morning and made the journey back home. It was a quick visit but so fun and we made so many good memories!

 She bonded with Staci so quickly!

 This was another friend she made..She hung out with her quite a bit! 
 Old friends!  Katie is next..can't wait to go to her wedding in NYC this fall!
 The long trip finally caught up with her at the rehearsal dinner.
 Wasn't she adorable?
 I just loved catching up with Kate some more.
 Getting her hair done.
 Snooki hair!
 We had so much fun!
 Getting Stace ready..She was so elegant!
 I love this picture..
 Enjoying the candy bar at the reception
 Gray was a wild man on the dance floor!
 party animals!
 Getting his picture drawn by the characterurist.
 My hot date:)
 Hands on ya knees, hands on ya knees!
 They were exhausting just to watch!
  It looks like he's break dancing..he was actually doing a flip.  It was priceless!

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