Saturday, July 20, 2013

Take That Tiger Woods!

We decided to hit the course as a family today.  The kids took their clubs and played around as Michael played.  The kids assigned us all jobs and I was the cart driver, Michael was the golfer, Olivia was the scorekeeper and Grayson was the helper/caddy. Since it was so hot the course wasn't very crowded so we were able to play 18 holes really fast. 
Gray would sit and watch Michael putt on the green.  It was so sweet!

Gray kept saying he was the best golfer in the world.  At one point he said it again and Michael said "actually Tiger Woods is the best golfer in the world."  The next time Gray made his putt he said "Take that Tiger Woods!!!  Whoever you are!" 

Friday, July 19, 2013


I was just thinking the other day that neither one of my kids had ever cut their own hair.  Grayson's hair had gotten long this summer so I took him for a haircut last week.  Apparently he didn't think they cut it enough because I walked into the living room to find him with a pair of scissors in one hand and handful of hair in the other. 

It could be worse I guess! 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Olivia is 7!

Mommy and Daddy surprised her with a new bike.  She loved it!  She saw it and said "It's perfect!" 

She got to go birthday shopping with Gurr last week, Mimi on her birthday and Grammy is taking her next week.  She is one blessed girl to have all of these wonderful women in her life to take her shopping!  She LOVES to shop and I am so glad because she is such a good shopping buddy!

Isn't she so grown up?
She chose to have a bowling party this year. 

 She had a blast with her friends. 

 Gray enjoyed the arcade. 
We have 5 girls staying over for a slumber party.  Ice cream sundaes followed by movies, popcorn and lots of giggling! 

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Skiffington's Visit

All 4 cousins had a blast hanging out together.  The cousin arguing was minimal and we only had a couple of incidents between the 2 fireballs.   Can you guess which 2?

Will LOVES his Uncle Michael and would sit in his lap all the time. 

We spent lots of time at the pool!

And of course plenty of trips to Cracker Barrel where Will felt right at home. 

We had a girls day and went for pedicures, shopping and lunch at the Tea Room. Priceless memories!

Addie Girl thoroughly enjoyed her first pedi. 

Will his hilarious in the water.  He just floats around the pool, happy as a lark. 

We also went out for date night.  We went to the dust bowl and ate on the rooftop at El Guapos.  Such a fun night!!

I took a few pictures of our bowling forms.  Compare the boys to my sister's.  What can I say?  The Baltz girls just didn't get the athletic gene. 

More fun times at the pool! Addie said something about the sun burning her eyes.  She wasn't used to all that sunshine!

We tried to get a cute picture of the kids in their 4th of July outfits before they left.  With 4 kids 6 and under this is as good as it gets!!
I cherish our time with them so much and wish we could see them all the time. It's so hard to see them go!