Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sleepy Boy...

At work last week Grayson was happily playing in his play pen. I left my office to go do something else and Jenny comes to me and says "have you seen your son?"

I walked back in to find him sound asleep....

9 months old!!

This week we took Grayson for his 9 month check up. He was fighting a virus and broke out in a rash but is much better now. He is 90% for his height and 50% for his weight. Looks like we might have a first baseman after all! He continues to put everything in his mouth. I caught him with a live spider in his hand (on the way to his mouth) last week. He is pulling up and crawling really fast. It won't be long before he's walking!

Olivia is doing great. She did start a strange thing about a week ago. I noticed that she was stuttering to get her words out at the beginning of every sentence. I was really concerned because she has never stuttered before but after talking with my speech pathologist friend Alex, she assured me that it was normal and would quickly pass. It has been better the last couple of days so I think she is getting over it already.

She was so funny this week when we went to the doctor for Grayson. She needed to go too to get her ears checked to verify that her last ear infection was gone. She insisted she take Rarr (her stuffed tiger) to the doctor to get his ears checked and we agreed. As the nurse weighed, measured and took Grayson's temperature, Olivia made sure Rarr got the full examination as well. As I was telling the Doctor Grayson's symptoms from his virus, Olivia was chiming in right after me: "and Rarr has a rash too!...And he has been really fussy!....and he has a temperature!"
It was so cute! She is quite the little Momma!

We are having lots of fun this summer. On Friday we had Michael's company picnic at the air and space mueseum. Olivia really enjoyed watching the airplane fly by. On Fridays we are having "Friday Fun Days." The kids and I get together with 5 or 6 other moms and thier kids and go to fun places like the zoo, splash park, etc. It is a great time for the kids to interact with each other and great time for the Moms too!

All of the grandparents went in with us to buy Grayson and Olivia a swingset for their birthdays. Michael started the assembly process last Saturday. We knew it would take a while so we started early to have it up in time for Olivia's birthday. He has already put in over 25 hours (with lots of help) of assembly time and the set is about 70% done. We'll post more pictures as it gets finished.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Long Time No Blog...

Ok, so we have been so busy with the move, church activities, fence building and other projects that I have totally neglected the blog! I'm going to try and get back in the swing of things now that summer is here.

Wahoo, summer is here! This means lots of pool time, playing outside, softball for Michael and family vacation.

We moved into the new house about 3 weeks ago. We are so happy to be in our new home. We had lots of projects to do right away. We (I mean Michael) installed blinds, installed a garage door opener, put together the dining room table the first week we moved in. We have also been hanging curtains and pictures and I think we've got everything unpacked by now. On memorial day weekend, Michael (with the help of friends and family) took advantage of the long weekend and installed a privacy fence. I was quite proud of my husband for all of the handy work he can do. Even if he has never done a project before, he learns how to do it. By doing the fence ourselves, we were able to put it in for 1/4 of what we were quoted by a fence company. We still have lots of little projects to complete but most of the big projects are out of the way.

Now for the good stuff...updates on the two cutest kids I know!


Favorite things to do lately: Play outside, go to the park, play with friends, take baths, take toys away from brother, be the boss of anyone and everything, dress up like a princess, sing real and made-up songs everywhere we go, use words out of context because she doesn't know what they mean.

Favorite Game: Dora Memory Game. She is really good at it too!

Last week we were in Target and she asked me what I was doing. I told her I was buying these plates for a party and she said "a fiesta?" We only let her watch 1 or 2 episodes of Dora per day but she has picked up on some spanish. I guess that's a good thing?

We can really have grown up conversations with her these days. She'll tell us all about her day and what she did and she always gives her opinion.

Things to look forward to: Her 3rd birthday is quickly approaching and party planning is underway. This will be the first year she invites friends other than family. It should be exciting! We are also putting her in dance camp and swim lessons this summer.

And for Grayson....

Favorite things to do: Put everything in his mouth! Toys, paper, books, carpet fuzz, hairbows, pens, anything!

He also likes to chatter and say "mamamma" and "daddadada." He belly crawls and can crawl on his knees but thinks its much faster to army crawl to get whereever he is going. He started pulling up onto the couch and ottoman a couple of weeks ago and can cruise around the ottoman. He loves to play with Olivia's toys which doesn't make Olivia very happy. He loves to bounce and jump.

Anyone who has ever held him can back us up on this one: HE IS THE HARDEST BABY TO HOLD! He does not just sit still in your lap. He stiffens up, turns around and tries to jump out your arms. He's always trying to get something out of his reach or just be on the move.

He stiffens up like a board anytime he doesn't want to sit where we want him to. Try putting a 2x4 into a carseat!

He still doesn't sleep well but overall he is a great baby and a joy to have around. Our house is still constant chaos and there are days when I'm in such a fog that I don't know whether I'm going or coming but Michael and I count our many blessings everyday.