Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Olivia was asked to be the crown bearer for the band homecoming.  She was thrilled!  She got to ride with the queen and king in the homecoming parade.  Then she got to go with the queen and attendants to the dress store and try on dresses with all the big girls.  It cracks me up how she just interacts with teenagers and adults so well.  She just strikes up a conversation with them and sounds so grown up. 

The night of homcoming she had a constant smile on her face.  She was so happy to be all dressed up and get to go out on the field.  She even got a pretty crosage to wear.  She did woderful, never got shy or tried to back out.  Her favorite part was hanging out with the queen! 

Talking with the teenagers
Brady calls her his wife now!  He was so shy around her and said she looked so pretty all dressed up!

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