Thursday, August 15, 2013

First Day of School 2013

They were excited, momma was a basket case!  Olivia is starting brand new school and MY BABY is going to real school!  Yes, it's only half day but still, it feels way more real than preschool.  Neither one of them were the least bit nervous about starting a new school.  It helps that they are both super outgoing.

Gray has Mrs. Barr.  She seems super down-to-earth and has been teaching pre-k for 10 years. 

He was a little quiet and was taking it all in as I dropped him off. 

Olivia has Mrs. Henry.  She made her really comfortable and she seems really sweet as well. 

Gray wanted to wear his hat and gloves to school. My parenting philosophy is "pick your battles" but this was one I had to pick. We compromised and said he could put it on as soon as he got home and that's exactly what he did! 

We had cupcakes after school and we talked about their days.  Olivia said her teacher was "awesome" and she loved her new school. 

I asked Gray to tell me all about his day and said that would take too much time.  He said "it was good" and that was all I got. 
We all made it through the first day and I'm thankful they both had a great day.  Here's to a wonderful school year!

Gray lost a tooth!

The dentist warned us last year that his front teeth were loose and he would probably lose them soon.  His adult teeth aren't ready to come in yet so he may have to be a snaggle tooth for a while.  We aren't sure what happened to make the loose but with him there is no telling!
He was excited to lose it and was even more excited to get a whole dollar from the tooth fairy!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Lake Vacation

 We joined Grammy, Pappy, Uncle Steven and the Engles at the lake for a relaxing long weekend.  It was one of the best family vacations we have had and it was so nice to just get away to the quiet setting of the lake.  I forgot my big camera so I didn't get nearly as many pictures as I would have liked. 
We headed out Wednesday night after Michael got off work.  Michael has had some crazy stuff going on at work and all week we were worried he wouldn't get to go.  It was such a blessing that we were able to go as planned.  We loaded up the car and were cracking up because it looked like we were moving across the country!

 Thursday morning we got up and headed out on a boat for the day.  Grayson called it the "Pontoon Party Boat."  Olivia and Grayson LOVED going out on the tube.  Actually, they loved everything about the lake!  While on the tube we had some individual and couples trick competitions.  I'll have to get those pictures from Grammy's camera and post them later.  There were some good ones! 

I was trying to get a picture of Michael's trick but I snapped this one instead!
The smiles never left their faces the whole time they were out there!
We stopped for lunch at a place called The Landing.  It was so neat to boat up to a restaurant and have lunch on the water.  There were ducks and fish for the kids to feed and there was an airport right by there so we got to see a couple of planes land. 
Pappy AKA "Cap'n Ron" was the boat driver. He kept us safe and sound!
A day on the boat will wear you out!
Gray loved reading the map. 


On Friday the boys played golf and Olivia and I were going to go horse back riding but it was raining so she and I did a little shopping and exploring the local scene instead.  We had a blast! On Saturday we went out on the boat again and then had a YUMMY meal prepared by Grammy and Pappy.  Each night we played board games and peanuts.  Peanuts might be my new favorite card game!
We walked down to a beach area and the kids skipped rocks and played in the water. It was really pretty and I heard the sound I've been missing for so long, waves crashing onto the shore!



 I don't think any of us were ready to come home and get back to the real world.  It was so nice to be care-free for a few days and get away before school and activities start back up. We spent precious time with family and made priceless memories. What a fun vacation!  I can't wait to do it again. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Take That Tiger Woods!

We decided to hit the course as a family today.  The kids took their clubs and played around as Michael played.  The kids assigned us all jobs and I was the cart driver, Michael was the golfer, Olivia was the scorekeeper and Grayson was the helper/caddy. Since it was so hot the course wasn't very crowded so we were able to play 18 holes really fast. 
Gray would sit and watch Michael putt on the green.  It was so sweet!

Gray kept saying he was the best golfer in the world.  At one point he said it again and Michael said "actually Tiger Woods is the best golfer in the world."  The next time Gray made his putt he said "Take that Tiger Woods!!!  Whoever you are!" 

Friday, July 19, 2013


I was just thinking the other day that neither one of my kids had ever cut their own hair.  Grayson's hair had gotten long this summer so I took him for a haircut last week.  Apparently he didn't think they cut it enough because I walked into the living room to find him with a pair of scissors in one hand and handful of hair in the other. 

It could be worse I guess! 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Olivia is 7!

Mommy and Daddy surprised her with a new bike.  She loved it!  She saw it and said "It's perfect!" 

She got to go birthday shopping with Gurr last week, Mimi on her birthday and Grammy is taking her next week.  She is one blessed girl to have all of these wonderful women in her life to take her shopping!  She LOVES to shop and I am so glad because she is such a good shopping buddy!

Isn't she so grown up?
She chose to have a bowling party this year. 

 She had a blast with her friends. 

 Gray enjoyed the arcade. 
We have 5 girls staying over for a slumber party.  Ice cream sundaes followed by movies, popcorn and lots of giggling!