Monday, May 2, 2011

Addie is ONE!

In March the kids and I headed to Tacoma for a week to celebrate Adeline's birthday. We had a blast as always! We spend the beginning of the week preparing for the party, shopping and just hanging out, then Dado and Nonna arrived(bless their hearts, after 24 hours of traveling) on Friday morning. Friday night we went to eat Southern Kitchen, an adorable little hole in the wall restuarant in Tacoma and then Saturday we had celebrated Adeline's first birthday with a bang. I was going over all the details with Michael over the phone and he said "You know, she's not going to remember this right?" "Yes honey," I replied "but she only turns one once!"

On Sunday we enjoyed church and hearing Jesse speak and then on Monday we made a last minute trip to the Tacoma Zoo on our way out of town. It was another awesome trip with my family and I wish we could do it more than a handful of times per year.

It would take me forever to upload all the adorable party pictures so instead, here's a link to my Sis's blog about the event.

Also my kids are rockstars in the airports and airplanes and I'm so proud of them! For any of you moms with young children that have travel plans, traveling in the evening is the way to go! They sleep through the last flight and go right to bed when they get home. I've found that is the best way to keep them in a routine.

1 comment:

Callie said...

We had so much fun! Can't wait to do it all over again for Olivia in July.