Ok, I've been neglecting the blog, AGAIN! So much to report that this might just have to take up two blogs!
Last weekend Aunt Sissy and Uncle Jesse came to town. How exciting! It had been almost 6 months since we had seen them. They hadn't seen Grayson since he was a week old (except on skype) so he had definitely changed a lot. They flew in Wednesday afternoon and we loaded up early Thursday morning to drive to Arkansas to see our family there that we hadn't see in almost 3 years. Our Grandmother there was turning 88 so we got to celebrate her birthday. It was a lot of driving to only stay 24 hours but it was worth it. Grayson developed an ear infection during the trip but thankfully Aunt Sissy can write prescriptions and just called something in. Ear infections- I hate them! It seems that any time either of my kids get a runny nose, they have an ear infection. This was Grayson's 4th one and he's only 6 months old so if he gets one more before May, he's getting tubes. Olivia work up Sunday night complaining of an ear ache so we took her to the doctor and apparently one of her tubes fell out and she already has an infection in that ear. So frustrating but I guess that's just part of it. We've had many sleepless nights due to those pesky little infections.
It was really funny to take our "city boy" husbands to the chicken farm where our family lives in Arkansas. They certainly got to learn some new things. They got a turkey calling lesson from one of our cousins and they both ate fried frog legs for dinner!

Dad met us in Little Rock on our way back from Arkansas and that was wonderful because we all got to be together for the first time in 1 1/2 years. We had a great time hanging out together and Olivia kept us all entertained with her singing, bossing us around and just all of her funny antics! All in all, it was a great weekend and I can't wait until we can do it all again!
Now on to the selling of our house. What an emotional roller coaster it has been! I had both kids at the doctor last Monday morning and my phone was ringing off the hook. It was Ginger, our hardworking and wonderful realtor. I called her back, she was so excited to tell us that we had an offer coming in. It was single guy who was wanting our house but didn't like Olivia's pink bedroom. We had been thinking about painting that room back to a neutral color anyway so Dad and I go get paint and get to work thinking if we get this room painted, this guy will certainly give us an offer. Monday afternoon, we're in the middle of painting and Ginger calls again. 2 offers on their way! Wahoo! What a wonderful position for us to be in as sellers. We got the room painted and 2 others looked at the house Wednesday night. One couple made an official offer, and then by Thursday we had another offer come in. We find out that then that the pink room guy changed his mind and went with another house. That's fine with us, we still have these other two couples to work with. So we choose the better offer and come to an agreement. Thursday night, Ginger shows us several houses and we fell in love with one and decided to write an offer on it. Thursday night, we are on top of the world! We are so excited to sell our house and get a new one. I imagine taking a picture of the sold sign and putting it on the blog.
Then Friday morning hits. We find out that someone else is putting an offer in on the house we want to buy. That's ok, I say, if it doesn't work out then that's just not the house for us. At lease our house is sold, right? Wrong. Friday evening we get another call from Ginger. She is devastated. The people buying our house backed out and renewed the lease on their apartment. We were extremely disappointed but are just trying to keep our heads up and put everything into perspective. In the end, we are still blessed beyond belief and have nothing to complain about.
So it looks like we are back to square one. Back to the const

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