We had another great Easter! It's one of my favorite times to coordinate the kids outfits and get them all gussied up. I bought their Easter outfits back in February when we were at the outlet malls. Way to be prepared, right? The week of Easter I was going to let Liv wear her dress for picture day at school and had her try it on the night before. The darn thing was too small! The next day I scrambled to the mall and got her another dress. It wasn't as coordinated with Gray as the first one was, but she still looked adorable. The same thing happened with Gray's Khaki pants. Luckily it was warm enough so I just let him wear shorts. They are growing so fast!
We also did several activities to teach them about why we celebrate Easter. We made resurrection biscuits and had a resurrection egg hunt for playgroup. We also dyed Easter eggs and talked a lot about why Jesus died on the cross for us.
We also had the annual fish fry and Pops and Grandma's house. I looked forward to this every year. The family time is great and the food is YUMMY! The kids have fun hiding eggs and playing with their cousins.
This year the young boys took care of the frying. Don't they look thrilled? |