Our little man is 4 months old! Ahhh it just keeps going by so fast. As you can see, he no longer fits in the bassinet. We finally put it in the attic last weekend and I cried. It just makes me so sad knowing that we may never have another little one in there!
We got the exersaucer out and he loves to play in it. Olivia was quite intrigued by it and I walked into the room to find her in it. I quickly took a picture and then scolded her. Ooops! Now she goes over to it and says, I want to get in. I say, "No that is Grayson's"and she says: "here, take my picture!"
Grayson went to the doctor for his 4 month check up and he is in the 80th percentile for his weight and 70th for his height. He is growing normally and is healthy as can be. His first tooth started poking through this weekend. It looks like he is going to be an early teether. He still does not sleep very well. He goes to bed in his crib but after getting up with him 3 or 4 times I usually just put him in bed with us just so I can get some sleep. Olivia usually makes her way to our bed around 4 in the morning so our bed can get quite crowded.
Strange thing happened this week..I was cleaning house (its what I do constantly with our house on the market) and I unplugged Grayson's video baby monitor so the wires wouldn't show if the house was shown that day. So I'm just cleaning away and walk back into our bedroom where the monitor screen is and to my shock there is another baby on the screen! I screamed and checked to make sure both of my kids were in the living room. I then realized that since I had unplugged the camera part of the monitor, the receiver picked up another signal thus causing a neighbor's baby to appear in my bedroom! Pretty scary stuff. I then realized that if I can pick up someone else's curly headed child on my monitor, then who can pick up my child on their monitor?
Other than that, not much else going on except the sell of our house. It is getting shown quite a bit so we are hoping to get an offer soon. On Friday I had a realtor call and wanted to show it in 15 minutes. I told her I would get the kids out as fast as I could and when I went to get Olivia, I realized she had just pooped her pull-up. I quickly changed her and rushed us out the door. When I came back after the house was shown I realized the entire front of the house smelled like poop! I had thrown the diaper away outside but I guess the smell lingered a while. Oops, I don't think we'll be getting an offer from those people!