Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Just a few reasons why I love my husband....

1. He gets into Christmas as much as I do.

2. Not only does he play dress up with Olivia, he lets me take a picture of him doing it! Olivia even refers to one particular crown as "Daddy's crown."

3. He tolerates all of the girly things, just like my Dad did!

4. He's such a good helper around the house.

He could win a hubby of the year award! I am so thankful to have him.

In other news, we had a trip to the ER this week. Grayson started running a fever late Monday night. Babies under 3 months aren't supposed to have a fever of higher than 100.4 and his was 101.5. I called the on-call nurse and she said to take him to the ER so I did. Well 2.5 hours later, the doctor said it was just an upper respiratory infection and sent us home.

I called my ivy-league-graduate-pediatric-nurse-practitioner sister and she said that I needed to take him into my pediatrician. Something did not sound right to her and she is a firm believer (me too now) that adult doctors aren't as good as diagnosing babies and kids. So I took him to the pediatrician's office (where I'm sure we caught another vicious virus in the waiting room) and it turns out he has an ear infection and that's what caused his fever. She gave him some antibiotics.

So needless to say, were not happy that we have to pay a $100 ER co-pay for a misdiagnosis. At least we found the real cause and got him some medicine so he wasn't in pain anymore.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

So much to blog about...

At the Tree Farm

So I've been meaning to blog for like 2 weeks now but I'm just now getting around to it.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend last week with Dad and Susie here. Olivia LOVES spending time with them. We went shopping, let her build a bear, got a Christmas Tree and decorated it, and best of all they got to see Grayson get dedicated on Sunday. Grayson looks so much like Dad!

Olivia had a blast decorating the tree. 75% of the ornaments are on the bottom 2 feet of the tree because that was all she could reach. It will be so fun to see her really get into Christmas this year.

The day before Thanksgiving I decided to try to potty train Olivia, again. She did great the first day, not so great the 2nd day but since then she has been doing so well and has had very few accidents. I'm proud to report that we haven't used diapers for her in a week and a half! It is wonderful to only have one in diapers! I was shocked at how easy it was once she finally decided she was ready.

As you can see from the pictures, we got the house all decorated for Christmas. Michael spent a long time on the lights and they turned out great. Christmas is my favorite time of year. I keep calling him Clark Griswald because he put up as many lights as he he could and even borrowed some that his Dad wasn't going to use. I just hope cousin Eddy doesn't pull up in the RV....

And......We've decided to sell our house! We have absolutely loved this house and could not have picked a better first house for us to live in but we have been feeling so crowded lately (mainly since Grayson was born) and would love to have an extra room for our guests to sleep (besides the couch) when they come to stay. We are still staying on the debt plan and have paid off everything except the student loans. Hopefully it will sell fast but we aren't going to pick out another house until ours sells. It is very exciting for us but the biggest challenge will be keeping the house in tip top shape with our busy schedules and a toddler running around.

Quote of the week: Michael was talking to Grayson and Olivia comes over to Michael and says "Daddy, he doesn't understand you." Like, duh Dad he's just a baby! She's developing quite the attitude already!