I've decided to start blogging to that friends and family can stay up to date on happenings at the Bippus household. I've heard blogging is like scrapbooking electronically and since I don't scrapbook, this sounds like the next best thing!
Our newest addition, Grayson Michael was born September 11, 2008. He was 7lbs and 18 inches long. He is such a good little baby! He hardly ever cries and is very mellow. He is already sleeping 4-5 hours at night.
Olivia is doing so well as a big sister. She loves her new baby brother very much! She always tried to give him a passy or bottle, even when he doesn't need one.
We are still adjusting to having two kids. I start getting all of us ready 3 hours before it is time to go and we still can't make it out the door in time! This morning I had already changed 5 diapers before 7:30! Hopefully Olivia will be potty trained soon and we'll only have one in diapers.
Olivia is so funny these days! She is quite intriqued by the breast pump. She refers to it as "the loud" and thinks that it is going to get her. We keep reassuring her that the "loud" won't hurt her and she runs around screaming "loud can't hurt you, loud can't hurt you!" Then she asks, "loud gonna get the floors? loud gonna get the couch? loud gonna get the dogs?"
Michael and I are doing pretty well, just a little sleep deprived! I'm still recovering from the C-section and having a hard time being dependent on everyone else. We are just so thankful for our two blessings.