Ever had new cable service? I don't think it is ever an easy process but I think what we have been through the last few weeks can top all cable installation horror stories. Here is the outline of events:
3 weeks ago: AT&T salesman knocks on our door, says he can beat our current cable provider's price, give us more channels, DVR, WIFI and free long distance on our phone. Sounds great to me, you know we LOVE to save money. They scheduled the install for Wendesday the 5th.
11/5/08- Installer comes, stays about 15 minutes. Says he can't install the cable because it hasn't been ran to our house yet. He'll let us know when they come back.
11/6/08-Guy comes to run the cable to our house. Schedule to come out on 11/8 between 12 and 2 to finish the install.
11/7/08- my day off. I'm on the way out the door at 8:15 to get my weekly errands done. AT&T calls and says they can come in 30 minutes and have it installed early. Sure, I can run my errands later. 11:30 rolls around, no one has showed. I call AT&T and they proceed to put me on hold for 45 minutes. I finally talk to "dispatch" and explain to her the whole situation. She says "ma'am, I don't have any record showing we called you this morning" Excuse me, but did you think I made that up so I could stay home and wait on AT&T all day? I am not making this up people! (those were my thoughts, not words). So, she tells me that someone will be there between 12 adn 2. The installer shows up around 1:30 and works until 6:00. At 6, he says "well, theres a problem with your line. I'll have to get someone out tomorrow to fix the line." So, he leaves with our house smelling like BO and still no cable. I can't forget to mention he left the gate open earlier in the day and both dogs got out. I had to go marching down the street in the 25 mph winds with both kids in tow to find them.
11/8/08- Another guy comes in the morning to fix the problem with the line. Other guy comes in the afternoon to finish the install. After working for a couple of hours, "well there's a problem with this box and I can't give you another one." At this point, I call AT&T and once again, I'm put on hold for 30 minutes. Finally, I ask the woman to please give me a good reason why I should not just keep my current cable and forget about AT&T alltogether. She gives us 2 months free, an extra $100 cash back and $30 off for 6 months. That makes me feel a little better. She also assures me that they would contact me first thing Monday morning to finish the install.
11/9/08 (Sunday morning)- Installer from Friday knocks on our door: "I'm sorry I think I left my tester in your attic, can I go check?" Luci bolts out the door and goes running down the street. Michael pull his car out of the garage, the guy looks in the attic "I'm sorry, I forgot there isn't a ladder to get into your attic. Michael goes and gets his ladder of of the shed (he has his shorts and a t-shirt, no shoes and it is freezing outside). He goes to look for Luci and by the time he gets back the installer says "well, it wasn't up here, I guess I left it at another house."
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday go by..don't hear from anyone.
Thursday rolls around, I call to find out. I'm transferred 3 times(have to explain the whole situation each time) then placed on hold for 25 minutes. Finally, I get to someone. "Ma'am, my records show your order is complete." Really?! Because I'm pretty sure we still have our old service. They finally got someone there on Thursday night to set up our cable and internet. We still don't have phone service throught them, that's supposed to come in two weeks. I'm not holding my breath. I'm also wondering where the whole concept of customer service is hiding itself.
Sorry for the unabridged version of the cable story, I'm sure that was boring for everyone. I think I just needed to vent my frustrations to all 5 of you who read this! By the way, I was never rude to anyone on the phone because I know that it is not their fault and they are just the middle man.
Grayson is officially two months old, AHHHHH! It is going by way too fast. He went to the doctor this week. He is in the 75th percentile on his weight and the 50th on his height. He's sleeping for 4-5 hours at a time now and is starting to laugh. Like Charlie said this morning, babies take a lot of work but when they look up at you and smile, it makes it all worth it!
Olivia learned to sing her ABC's. I didn't even realize she had learned them until she just started singing them all the way through yesterday. It's nice to hear a song we recognize for once rather than the made-up songs about whatever she is doing at the time. We're hoping to get a video of her singing soon so we can post it.
We always say we need to write down funny things she says and we never do so we will start blogging them instead. This week she said: "Go away rain, go eat lunch!"
She has started making excuses after we put her to bed. She'll come running out of her room and say "I'm sorry, I need to get my book" Then come running out a couple minutes later screaming "I'm sorry, I need to get my Rarr" (one of her 5 stuffed tigers).
We are sooooooo excited about Christmas! I LOVE Christmas. This weekend I decorated the inside of the house and Michael spent 10 hours decorating the outside.
We had some GREAT pictures taken last week at the park. More pictures to come soon...
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know we have a lot be thankful for. In the grand scheme of things, we should be greatful we have TV, phone and internet rather than complain about how long it takes to get it!